
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Dr David Kahane

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), created in 1977 by an act of Parliament, is a federal agency that promotes and supports university-based research and training in the social sciences and humanities. Working with an annual budget determined by Parliament, SSHRC funds research grants and fellowship programs that allow researchers to explore, invent, and develop expertise in a wide variety of disciplines and to target research to specific social needs. SSHRC programs also provide support for research training and communication activities.

In 2005, SSHRC awarded $3 million in grant money to thirty-seven research projects at the University of Alberta. These funds were granted to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and research professors. SSHRC helps to fuel innovative thinking about such real-time issues as the economy, education, health care, the environment, immigration, globalization, language, ethics, peace, security, human rights, law, poverty, mass communications, politics, literature, addiction, pop culture, sexuality, religion, Aboriginal rights, the past, and invariably, Canada's future.

Among the SSHRC awards are:

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